Talking Play NYC 2018 and Beyond with Dan Butchko

Well here we are. It feels like another year is quickly passing us by (and that’s a blessing here in the States), and so we’re surprised to say that we’ll be attending Play NYC in less than a month. For those who don’t know, Play NYC is the only real gaming convention here in New York and it’s all because of the vision and passion of Dan Butchko.

Dan runs PlayCrafting, a business that teaches everything from coding, to the design process, all the way to marketing a game. He’s one hell of a nice guy, and we love talking to him, so we decided to catch up and see what will make this year’s Play NYC different from the last and what the overall future looks like. Here’s an easily digestible breakdown:

  • Expecting to see a higher attendance. Last year saw 5k and sold out in the first day.
  • The current venue is booked for the next few years, which solidifies the convention for the future.
  • This is great, because Dan is especially passionate about Play NYC being an annual celebration of games.
  • This year’s venue is a significant upgrade both behind the scenes as well as for event goers and exhibitors. For one, it can fit anywhere from 5 to 10k which is up to two times what last year’s maximum occupancy was.
  • Last year there were 120 games on display and they’re expecting more this year. What we loved about this event vs something like PAX, is that you’ve likely never heard of any of these games.
  • Unlike last year, members of the press and influencers will be able to attend an hour specifically reserved for going hands-on and conducting interviews before the general public arrives.
  • Another improvement this year is the combining of talks and panels with the main show floor which will make it easier to see what’s going on and prevent attendees from missing anything.
  • Also, content, panels, and talks will be more diversified compared to last year.
  • Dan also said there’s the possibility of an eSports component, but he wont’ know for sure until the event gets closer to launch.
  • Tickets can now be purchased on Ticket Master, which makes it both easier to purchase tickets as well as bringing more visibility to the event.

All in all, Play NYC sounds like it will be bigger and better than last year. We’re also happy to hear that the convention has managed to solidify itself for the next few years. Like last year, we’ll have a roundup of games we loved and maybe even fall in love with something unexpected. Maybe we’ll see you there. Tickets are available here on Ticketmaster or $33 per person per day.

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Antonio Worrall
Antonio Worrall
I'm a Senior IT Support Engineer, every day tech geek, gaming enthusiast, world traveler, and foodie living with my wife and cat in the NY/NJ area.

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