Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Review

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is the addition to the acclaimed Ys series, offering an immersive and exhilarating gaming experience. As a fan of the franchise, I was excited to delve into the latest installment, and I can confidently say that it did not disappoint.

I got into the series with Ys VIII and worked my way back (I’m a sucker for an exotic island setting). As one would expect, Ys IX has a captivating storyline. Set in the city of Balduq, players once again assume the role of Adol Christin, the red-haired adventurer, who finds himself cursed and transformed into a Monstrum. This poor guy just can’t catch a break. Hell, he can’t even enjoy a nice cruise ship without getting into trouble. This unique twist allows Adol to explore the city from a new perspective and unlocks fresh gameplay abilities for the series, most notably of which is the verticality of exploration. The narrative unfolds slowly at first and I admittedly found Balduq to be a bit of a slog compared to the more open world it’s predecessor offered. Give it time though, as the game will open up once you meet and add new members to your party. After the slowe burn, the barricade will push forward more briskly, keeping players engaged with its mystery, political intrigue, and unexpected plot twists. Speaking of characters,  all of the ones you encounter throughout the journey are well-developed, each with their own backstory and motivations, and I found them all to be likable. 

The gameplay in Ys IX offers a refined blend of action and exploration as the series is known for, with the fast-paced combat system retaining the series’ signature style and allowing for satisfying battles. Adol’s Monstrum abilities provide a refreshing twist to combat encounters, enabling him to scale walls, glide across gaps, and unleash devastating attacks. After I got used to being stuck in Balduq for a bit, I found it to be a sprawling city bursting with secrets, hidden passages, and verticality, inviting players to fully explore every nook and cranny. The game’s level design is impressive, providing a sense of freedom while maintaining a cohesive world. 

Visually, the series has never pushed any technical boundaries compared to other RPGs and that doesn’t change here. With that said, Ys IX shines with its impeccable art direction and detailed environments. Everything has a consistency to it. The city is brought to life with vibrant colors, unique gothic inspired architectural styles, and atmospheric lighting. The character designs are familiar to anyone who has played a Ys game or really any Falcom title. The musical score, a trademark of the Ys series, does not disappoint either, with a memorable soundtrack that sets the tone for each moment, from heart-pounding battles to the slow paced reflective moments where you’ll find yourself taking in the scenery, or just gliding across rooftops. 

One aspect that could be improved upon is the occasional technical hiccup. While the majority of the game runs smoothly, there were a few instances of frame rate drops and minor glitches. However, these issues were relatively minor and did not detract significantly from the overall experience. (Edit: since this article went live, the game has released for Switch and an unexpected performance update was rolled out to all platforms which makes the game run really smoothly.)

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is a triumphant addition to the Ys series, offering a captivating storyline, engaging new gameplay, and a visually stunning world to explore. It successfully pushes the boundaries of what the franchise can achieve, to the point where I’ll miss the vertical exploration and gliding if they’re absent from future games. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Ys or new to the series, this game is an absolute must-play just likes its predecessor Ys VIII. 

Antonio Worrall
Antonio Worrallhttps://antonioworrall.com
I'm a Senior IT Support Engineer, every day tech geek, gaming enthusiast, world traveler, and foodie living with my wife and cat in the NY/NJ area.

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